Practice makes perfect, and the new JetCaadee PracTicee Tee® is the perfect companion for your practice, at the range, on the practice greens, or in your backyard. This lightweight unit holds up to five clubs, keeping them off the ground, and at arm’s reach. You’ll also have room to keep up to six golf balls and a dozen tees at your fingertips. Adjustable from 90 to 180º, it will also hold a JetCaadee Pro, Duo, or individual unit. You’ll never find a better way to keep your gear at hand!
JetCaadee PracTicee Tee
Practice makes perfect, and the new JetCaadee PracTicee Tee® is the perfect companion for your practice, at the range, on the practice greens, or in your backyard. This lightweight unit holds up to five clubs, keeping them off the ground, and at arm’s reach. You’ll also have room to keep up to six golf balls and a dozen tees at your fingertips. Adjustable from 90 to 180º, it will also hold a JetCaadee Pro, Duo, or individual unit. You’ll never find a better way to keep your gear at hand!